iTms has the best functionality and performance to price ratio, is scalable and is Cloud hosted.
- Access on Multiple Devices: Access your data anywhere, anytime, from your iPhone, iPad, Android device or browser.
- Send professional invoices: Create custom invoices with your company branding (Logo, business information etc.).
- Know the state of your business: See your Profit & Loss, Balance Sheet, and dozens of other reports in one click.
- Multiple User Access: Grant access to unlimited users and set permission levels for each individual
- Save the time of your employees and cut the costs of business: Reduces the time spent by employees on repetitive, routine administrative tasks.
- Eliminates errors through automatic calculations: Significantly reduces the number of questions that employees direct by email or by phone to their supervisors or finance, HR and administration departments (each employee / subcontractor / customer etc. can check the status of his / her request via the Internet, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week)